practical solutions that make a difference

BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL                                                                             ENVIRONMENT TRANSFORMATION - OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE

This project involved the following*:

  • Designed and delivered a senior management Day Workshop, jointly with colleagues from Capita, Axon and Service Birmingham
  • Agreed priorities for improving the environmental services (waste collection, street cleansing, grounds maintenance)
  • Mobilised support from middle managers for the outline programme
  • Researched international comparisons, applying lessons learned from the     New York Police Department to Birmingham City Council's environment services
  • Researched and organised a benchmarking visit to Southwark to:
    • observe their waste and cleansing operations
    • learn from their public communications campaigns
  • Jointly developed an Outline Business Case

*NB: This project was carried out whilst David Rosselli was employed by Capita

If you would like to discuss arranging for us to carry out an independent review of one of your Service please contact us