practical solutions that make a difference


Many people get involved with procurement, but it isn't everyone's 'cup of tea'. We can help with support services. The links on the left give case examples.

Helping you decide how best to source a service

  • guiding you through the in-house vs. outsourcing debate
  • assessing all seven sourcing options before selecting your preferred approach

Helping you bid for tenders and win contracts

  • horizon scanning to find suitable Tenders that you may wish to bid for
  • writing bids for competitive tenders
  • demystifying the jargon (OJEU, PQQ, ITT, ISOS, ISDS, BAFO, etc)
  • writing business cases and method statements
  • designing cost models that are easy yet powerful to use
  • managing bids through online electronic bidding portals

Helping you tender outsourced service contracts to external bidders

  • writing your Service Specification and Invitation To Tender documents
  • designing scoring tools for PQQs, ITTs, etc
  • impartially evaluating & scoring bids you receive from bidders
If you would like to discuss having some support in procurement work you are involved with, please contact us.