practical solutions that make a difference


Many Local Authority Waste Collection service managers would like to know how other councils design and operate their services. For example:
  • to know which councils collect their wastes using exactly the same sort of collection system as you?
  • to know which councils are already using an innovation (e.g. Alternate Weekly Collection, or kitchen/food waste separate collection) that you are thinking of introducing but haven't yet taken the decision to proceed?

To answer these questions, Rosselli Services has carried out detailed benchmarking:

  • service design: detailed mapping of how Metropolitan, Unitary & London Boroughs design their Waste Collection service operations
  • collection frequencies: identifying common patterns for how councils approach the timing of collections (weekly/fortnightly) for each type of material
  • patterns of service configuration: identifying common patterns for how councils approach the collection of recyclables, garden waste, food waste, residual waste
  • trade waste resourcing levels: vehicle numbers & spares, crew sizes
  • and many other variables
If you are would like access to this data, or if you want some benchmarking doing, customised to the specific needs of your services, please contact us